Some iconographers who have been influential in my life and work.
- Kh. Erin Kimmett, Annunciation Press, Norwood, Massachusetts. http://www.apicons.com
- Dmitry Shkolnik, San Carlos, California. http://shkolnikstudio.com/index.html
- Nicholas P. Papas, Houston, Texas. https://www.facebook.com/Nick.Papas.Studio
- Bishop Gregory, Dormition Skete Monastery, Buena Vista, Colorado. http://www.dormitionskete.org/
Mounted Icon Reproductions
If you are interested in purchasing a mounted icon reproduction, please consider one of the following.
- Kh. Erin Kimmett, Annunciation Press, Norwood, Massachusetts. http://www.apicons.com
- Dormition Skete Monastery, Buena Vista, Colorado. http://www.dormitionskete.org/
- Uncut Mountain Supply, Walla Walla, Washington. http://www.uncutmountainsupply.com/
Iconography in Churches

Some churches which are beautifully decorated with iconography:
- Antiochian Orthodox Church of the Redeemer, Los Altos Hills, California. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese - https://www.facebook.com/orthodoxredeemer
- Assumption of the Theotokos Cathedral, Denver, Colorado. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese - http://www.assumptioncathedral.org/
- Holy Trinity Church, Parma, Ohio. Orthodox Church in America - http://holy-trin.org/
- St. Elias Cathedral, Ottawa, Ontario. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese - http://www.steliascathedral.com/
- St. George Cathedral, Wichita, Kansas. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese - http://www.stgeorgecathedral.net/
- St. Mary Basilica, Livonia, Michigan. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese - http://saintmarylivonia.com/home/
- St. Seraphim Cathedral, Dallas, Texas. Orthodox Church in America - http://www.stseraphim.org/
- Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Potomac, Maryland. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese - https://www.peterpaulpotomac.org/
Recommended Books on Iconography
There are countless resources about iconography available. Below are a few key books that I recommend.
- Three Treatises on the Divine Images, by St. John of Damascus. St. Vladimir's Seminary Press.
- Guide to Byzantine Iconography, by Constantine Cavarnos. Holy Transfiguration Monastery.
Recommended Websites on Iconography
- General icon info: http://orthodoxinfo.com/general/icon_faq.aspx
- Are icons written or painted? http://orthodoxhistory.org/2010/06/08/icons-are-not-written/ and http://www.orthodoxartsjournal.org/is-write-wrong-a-discussion-of-iconology-lingo-2/
- Orthodox Arts Journal http://www.orthodoxartsjournal.org/
Orthodox Church Links
- Patriarch of Constantinople - http://patriarchate.org/
- Patriarch of Alexandria - http://www.patriarchateofalexandria.com/index.php?lang=en
- Patriarch of Antioch - http://antiochpatriarchate.org/en/home/
- Patriarch of Jerusalem - http://www.jerusalem-patriarchate.info/en/welcome.htm
- Patriarch of Moscow - http://www.mospat.ru/en/
- Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North America - http://www.assemblyofbishops.org/
- Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America - http://www.goarch.org
- Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America - http://www.antiochian.org
- Orthodox Church in America - http://www.oca.org